
Containers For Change

Robina Town Centre is committed to helping make the Gold Coast a cleaner and greener place to live, and we are proud to announce that as of June 2021 we will be partnering with Containers for Change
Published 03 June
Did you know that Queenslanders use close to 3 billion drink containers each year? And despite these containers being easy to recycle, they are still currently the second most littered item in the state.  

Robina Town Centre is committed to helping make the Gold Coast a cleaner and greener place to live, and we are proud to announce that as of June 2021 we will be partnering with Containers for Change to divert eligible drink container waste from our centre to help raise funds for local Gold Coast community.  

The Partners for Change program is designed to support an organisation’s environmental and social impact through participating in the Containers for Change scheme., and Robina Town Centre will become the first Shopping Centre pilot site under the program. 

Cleaning up our state since 2018, Containers for Change aims to aims to increase recycling rates and reduce litter by providing us Queenslanders an incentive to collect and return containers for recycling, in exchange for a 10-cent refund. The Containers for Change scheme recently celebrated the return of the 4 billionth container -delivering $400 million back to Queenslanders in refunds. Within Queensland the recycling scheme benefits social enterprises and local individuals through the creation of employment opportunities and upskilling, as well as fundraising opportunities for local non-for-profits. Since 2018 Containers for Change has already raised over $32 million for non-for-profit organisations and charities within Australia. 

From June 2021, Robina Town Centre will begin to collect and divert eligible bottles in two main locations within the centre, The Promenade and the Food Atrium. As a customer, you can support this initiative and help us raise funds for local community groups by: 
- Dining on our Promenade and leaving your drink container on the table for staff to collect. Our retailer staff will automatically collect and recycle your eligible drink containers as a part of their table service.  
- Placing any eligible drink containers within our Food Atrium collection station from late June 2021. 

During the initial pilot period (June – August 2021 inclusive) all funds raised through the collection of eligible drink containers will go towards the Mudgeeraba Special School. Watch this space to see how that stacks up in September!

If you would like more information on Containers for Change, or how you can recycle at home visit the Containers for Change website.

If you are a registered non-for-profit organisation or charity and would like to access funding through the in Centre Containers for Change Scheme please fill in the below form.